Antitrust and Competition
Staying ahead of the game
The EU has placed a high priority on protecting free competition within the Union, and the European Commission rigorously monitors and investigates anti-competition practices, mergers, and state aid.
Clients appreciate that the team's first impulse is not to tell you what you cannot do, but to try to find a legal way of doing what you want to do,’ and ‘they have deep background and experience and are extremely practical.
— Chambers
Client Alert | 11 min read | 12.03.24
The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation One Year On: An Effective Tool or Just More Red Tape?
Just over a year ago, the notification obligations under the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) became applicable. Since then, M&A transactions and bids for government contracts above certain thresholds must be notified to the European Commission. Pending the Commission’s review, the transaction cannot be completed, or the contract cannot be awarded. What lessons can be learned from the application of the FSR to date? Has the FSR proved to be an effective tool in leveling the playing field, or has its main effect been to burden companies with red tape, at the risk of discouraging investment in Europe?
Client Alert | 5 min read | 11.05.24
Client Alert | 15 min read | 10.15.24
The European Commission’s Draft Guidelines on Exclusionary Abuses: Towards Stricter Enforcement?
Recensie Karel Marchand: Concentratiecontrole in België door Karel Bourgeois
|September 2023
Competitio, vol. 2023 n°2, p. 250-251
Recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van de concentratiecontrole in België
Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht, R.D.C.-T.B.H., 2023/6, p. 776-795
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Competitio, vol. 2023 n°2, p. 111-134
The Digital Markets Act: The EU Takes On ‘Big Tech’
Computerrecht, 2022/219, 403-419
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IBJ/IJE Partnerblog
The European Commission Updates Rules for Cooperation Between Competitors
IBJ/IJE Partner Blog
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September 2022
Competitio, vol. 2022 n°4, p. 282-287
UK’s Competition Law Based Collective Action in the Crypto Space
Crowell & Moring’s Crypto Digest
Client Alert | 11 min read | 12.03.24
The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation One Year On: An Effective Tool or Just More Red Tape?
Just over a year ago, the notification obligations under the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) became applicable. Since then, M&A transactions and bids for government contracts above certain thresholds must be notified to the European Commission. Pending the Commission’s review, the transaction cannot be completed, or the contract cannot be awarded. What lessons can be learned from the application of the FSR to date? Has the FSR proved to be an effective tool in leveling the playing field, or has its main effect been to burden companies with red tape, at the risk of discouraging investment in Europe?
Client Alert | 5 min read | 11.05.24
Client Alert | 15 min read | 10.15.24
The European Commission’s Draft Guidelines on Exclusionary Abuses: Towards Stricter Enforcement?
Client Alert | 11 min read | 12.03.24
The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation One Year On: An Effective Tool or Just More Red Tape?
Just over a year ago, the notification obligations under the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) became applicable. Since then, M&A transactions and bids for government contracts above certain thresholds must be notified to the European Commission. Pending the Commission’s review, the transaction cannot be completed, or the contract cannot be awarded. What lessons can be learned from the application of the FSR to date? Has the FSR proved to be an effective tool in leveling the playing field, or has its main effect been to burden companies with red tape, at the risk of discouraging investment in Europe?
Client Alert | 5 min read | 11.05.24
Client Alert | 15 min read | 10.15.24
The European Commission’s Draft Guidelines on Exclusionary Abuses: Towards Stricter Enforcement?