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The New Belgian FDI Screening Regime in Practice

Webinar | 10.24.23, 12:00 PM CEST - 2:00 PM CEST



Belgium has recently introduced a screening mechanism for foreign direct investments (FDI). Since July 1st, 2023, transactions falling within the scope of the new mechanism have to be notified to a newly created body, the Interfederal Screening Commission (ISC), composed of representatives of the federal government and the governments of the 8 federated entities. In this seminar, Karel and Karl will focus on the practical aspects of the new notification obligations. Which transactions must be notified? What information should be provided? What are the steps in the procedure and how long will the procedure take? Are there any pitfalls to look out for?

For more information, please visit these areas: Antitrust and Competition — Brussels Practice, Antitrust and Competition


Webinar | 02.25.25

First 100 Days: Navigating New Frontiers: Life Sciences in the Trump Era

Please join us for a post-Election webinar with the heads of our Government Affairs group who will address the myriad of areas in the Life Sciences industry that will likely be impacted by the new administration, including FDA, NIH, drug pricing, imports, and exports.