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New Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) and Guidelines: What’s Changing for Distribution Relationships?

Webinar | 09.20.22, 7:00 AM CDT - 9:00 AM CDT

In collaboration with the IBJ/IJE

The new Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) and accompanying Vertical Guidelines were finally adopted in May 2022 after four years of consultations and review. The new competition rules applicable to distribution and other vertical agreements take into account the specific challenges brought about by the growth of e-commerce and online platforms in the “digital age.” 

The webinar will cover the most significant changes relating to dual distribution, MFNs or retail parity obligations, active and online sales restrictions as well as provide guidance on topics such as RPM or resale price maintenance and agency agreements.

The new rules entered into force on June 1, 2022 and apply immediately to new agreements concluded after May 31, 2022. Agreements already in force on May 31, 2022 benefit from a one-year transition period, as long as they satisfy the conditions of the old VBER. This transitional period aims to provide businesses with sufficient time to amend their agreements, if necessary.


For more information, please visit these areas: Antitrust and Competition — Brussels Practice, Antitrust Compliance and Audit — Brussels Practice, Brussels Practice, Antitrust and Competition


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