Energy Storage


Our attorneys have been involved in energy storage many years before it became en vogue. At Crowell we have viewed energy storage and microgrids as part of the natural evolution of electric energy market development and design and climate-change inspired technological innovations. We work with clients on an array of transactional and regulatory matters, including project development, market structure, transmission, and interconnection issues as well as service and product offerings and competitive procurement efforts. Our work includes utility scale as well as storage at the commercial and industry level or integrated as part of a microgrid solution. Our attorneys have made dozens of public energy storage presentations and have written many articles on the topic. We are proud of our ability to advise the market experts—such as storage manufacturers, project developers and investors—as well as the newer market entrants, such as school districts and other customers.


Client Alert | 2 min read | 08.15.24

Department of Defense Plans Increased Investment in Clean Energy

The Department of Defense (“DoD) recently took important actions to expand and deepen its relationships with companies bringing critical energy production
and storage technologies to the DoD marketplace. As one of the largest consumers of energy in the world, DoD has the scale and resources to catalyze new
industries, and mission assurance increasingly requires a diverse generation mix and incorporation of advanced technologies.

Representative Matters

  • An energy storage developer in connection with storage as a means of deferring the need for transmission and distribution facilities.
  • An energy storage developer on California regulatory and completive bid issues for a new storage technology.
  • A developer in connection with a distribution level storage contract for a New York utility.
  • An energy storage facility supplier in developing form agreements for the supply and construction of energy storage projects. 
  • Montebello Unified School District in connection with over $33 million of solar plus energy storage plus energy efficiency projects across multiple campuses.
  • An energy storage developer in regulatory matters for multiple large-scale battery projects in the PJM territory. 


Client Alert | 2 min read | 08.15.24

Department of Defense Plans Increased Investment in Clean Energy

The Department of Defense (“DoD) recently took important actions to expand and deepen its relationships with companies bringing critical energy production
and storage technologies to the DoD marketplace. As one of the largest consumers of energy in the world, DoD has the scale and resources to catalyze new
industries, and mission assurance increasingly requires a diverse generation mix and incorporation of advanced technologies.


Client Alert | 2 min read | 08.15.24

Department of Defense Plans Increased Investment in Clean Energy

The Department of Defense (“DoD) recently took important actions to expand and deepen its relationships with companies bringing critical energy production
and storage technologies to the DoD marketplace. As one of the largest consumers of energy in the world, DoD has the scale and resources to catalyze new
industries, and mission assurance increasingly requires a diverse generation mix and incorporation of advanced technologies.