Sustainability and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
Our Sustainability and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practice advises companies, financial institutions, trade associations, and other organisations on complex compliance issues, drawing on our deep regulatory and litigation experience. We devise successful strategies to ensure companies, as well as the products and services they offer, comport with applicable laws across a variety of jurisdictions. In the midst of the evolving regulatory landscape, we help clients by implementing compliance programmes, testing and auditing compliance regimes, evaluating allegations of non-compliance or other causes for concern, and counseling on risk mitigation.
We also assist clients reform their supply chains to use materials, technology, and resources with a greener environmental footprint. This includes transition to circular business models, eco-friendly raw materials and inputs, and waste-reduction and zero-pollution outcomes. In addition, we advise on working conditions, human rights, corporate governance, conflicts of interest, diversity, and equity.
Covered Areas
UN Resolution 5/14, Waste Framework, Chemical recycling, SUP, bioplastics, REACH, CLP, Microplastics, PFAS, etc
CSRD, CS3D, Taxonomy, SFDR, Loi sur le Devoir de Vigilance, ESRS, NFRD, ESG Reporting, Habitats Directive, Biodiversity Strategy, Nagoya Protocol, etc
SDGs, ETS, CBAM, Carbon Capture and Storage, Renewables, Hydropower, Wind, Solar, Nuclear, Hydrogen, etc
Conflict Minerals Regulation, ROHS, REACH, CLP, Deforestation Regulation, etc
Waste Framework, Packaging & Packaging Waste, RoHS, WEEE, EcoDesign, Energy Labelling, Green claims, Hazardous Waste, Shipments, Basel Convention etc
Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition, Green Claims Directive, Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, Consumer Rights Directive, MiFID II, MCD, CCD 2, Green Codes
ESPR, CS3D, Batteries Regulation, EU Green Public Procurement Criteria for Textile Products, etc
CSS, SSbD Framework, REACH and equivalent (EU, UK, Turkey, S Korea etc), CLP, Biocides, Nanomaterials, SVHCs, Annex XIV and XVII substances, CMRs, PBTs/vPvBs, PMTs/vPvMs, Endocrine Disruptors, PSLTs, PFAS, Detergents, F-Gases, Fuels Directive, PIC Regulation/Rotterdam Convention, POP/Stockholm Convention, etc
Pesticides, Fertilizers, Plant Variety Products, GMOs
Industrial Emissions Directive, BATs and BREFs
Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive, Water Framework Directive, PS, P(H)Ss, Ambient Air Quality Directives, NEC Directive, etc
SDGs, Aarhus Regulation/Convention, Environmental Crime Directive, Ecocide, SEA and EIA Directives, etc
Webinar | 12.05.24
What impact will the new Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive really have on the pharma and cosmetic industries?
Publication | 11.21.24
Webinar | 12.05.24
What impact will the new Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive really have on the pharma and cosmetic industries?
Publication | 11.21.24
Webinar | 12.05.24
What impact will the new Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive really have on the pharma and cosmetic industries?
Publication | 11.21.24