Eline Van Bogget
Eline Van Bogget advises and assists clients in both contentious and noncontentious matters and focuses on the full range of intellectual property-related fields, including patents, trademarks, designs, copyrights, and trade secrets.
Career & Education
- Catholic University of Leuven, J.D., cum laude, 2018
- University of London, Queen Mary College, LL.M., with distinction, intellectual property law, 2019
- Belgium
- European Court
- Dutch
- English
- French
Eline's Insights
Bescherming van bedrijfsgeheimen: voor de Belgische gerechten: overzicht van rechtspraak
Revue de droit intellectuel. L'ingénieur Conseil : ICIP, n°3, p. 597-630
Toezicht op e-mails op de werkvloer: carte blanche voor ex-bestuurders?
TPP, no. 1, pp. 15-23
Cyberbeveiliging en gegevensbescherming: beoordeling en beperking van risico’s
RABG Informatie- en Communicatietechnologie, no. 8, pp. 750-766
Cyber security and data protection: learning from your own mistakes is good, learning from somebody else’s mistakes is better — the reasons underpinning fines and what regulators expect of cyber security
no. 5, pp. 142–154
Een oogje in het zeil houden: privacy en camerabewaking
TPP 21, no. 4, pp. 15-27
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Crowell & Moring’s Trade Secrets Trends
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Crowell & Moring’s Trade Secrets Trends
Blog 1: Key Trends in Trade Secret Protection Before Belgian Courts
Crowell & Moring’s Trade Secrets Trends