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2021: Year of the Knockoff

Webinar | 03.10.21, 7:00 AM EST - 8:00 AM EST

Counterstrategies at the U.S. ITC & Beyond

Combine the COVID-19 pandemic with the already exponential rise in e-commerce, and what do you get? Innovation? Sure. Imitation? Absolutely. With it harder than ever to touch and experience products before purchase during the pandemic, 2021 is poised to be the "Year of the Knockoff."

Whether your focus is legal or business, intellectual property or corporate, join Crowell & Moring LLP for an analysis of recent trends in counterfeit products and strategies for countering them at the uniquely-potent U.S. International Trade Commission and beyond.

For more information, please visit these areas: Intellectual Property Litigation, Intellectual Property



Webinar | 04.22.25

The Evolving AI Legal and Policy Landscape: Mid-2025 Update

With the launch of Crowell’s Evolving AI Legal and Policy Landscape tracker in 2023, we formed a team of attorneys and policy professionals tasked with monitoring and reporting on the most notable developments around AI. Join us for a roundtable discussion regarding worldwide legal and policy developments since July 2024 and what you need to know in 2025. Our presenters Jillian Ambrose, Sari Depreeuw, Kate Growley, and Linda Malek will explore...