Regulatory Litigation
Administrative rules and regulations govern nearly every aspect of conducting business in the United States. These requirements not only pose compliance challenges—they can make companies vulnerable to costly disputes, sidetrack innovation, and potentially put core operations at risk.
Client Alert | 5 min read | 02.20.25
On February 18, President Trump issued an Executive Order titled “Ensuring Accountability for All Agencies” that directs independent agencies (as well as Cabinet Departments and their sub-agencies) to route all “proposed and final significant regulatory” and budgetary actions through the White House and the Office of Management and Budget. If implemented to its full extent, this action will significantly strengthen the authority of the White House by weakening the political autonomy of these independent agencies. As an assertion of the President’s inherent powers under Article II of the U.S. Constitution, it also stands to weaken congressional influence over these independent agencies, both through the appropriations and confirmation processes.
Webinar | 01.23.25
Trump Administration and What it Means for Businesses Outside the US
Firm News | 3 min read | 12.05.24
Firm News | 1 min read | 11.11.24
Orange County Business Journal Honors Chahira Solh at Women in Business Awards
Representative Matters
- Represent eight Blue Cross Blue Shield companies in an antitrust MDL proceeding centralizing over 20 class action cases across the country. The MDL class action cases are brought by physicians and other health care providers as well as plan members asserting claims that the Blue Cross Blue Shield association and the companies conspired to violate antitrust laws by limiting competition through exclusive service areas and other restraints. The cases are centralized in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama.
- Represented a large defense contractor in securing a dismissal in the district court and affirmed by the Fourth Circuit of a complaint seeking $500+ million in damages from a commercial dispute related to a Foreign Military Sale (FMS) transaction between the U.S. Government and Republic of Korea for F-35 fighter jets manufactured by our client
- Represent the U.S. commercial television broadcast industry in litigation and administrative proceedings to recover shares of copyright royalties for cable and satellite retransmission of stations for decades.
- Represent client in a multiyear battle against "safeguard tariffs" on double-sided solar panels alongside a broad coalition of importers. The cross-practice team helped secure an injunction preventing the White House from reinstating the solar duties, a court order broadening that injunction, and then another court order faulting the White House when it thrice attempted to impose the duties.
- Represent health plans in litigation challenging the U.S. Government’s failure to make Affordable Care Act (ACA) “risk corridors” payments, and litigated the first successful Federal Court challenge to Government’s failure to pay $3 billion under the ACA’s cost-sharing reduction (CSR) program. In April 2020, the Supreme Court held in an 8‐1 decision that that health care plans were entitled to approximately $13 billion in damages from the federal government.
- Represent major U.S. airline in pending putative class actions alleging that the major airlines participated in a price fixing conspiracy by coordinating their capacity decisions through third parties such as investment analysts and institutional investors.
- Represented a Fortune 500 company in cyber theft litigation.In addition to providing litigation counsel, we coordinated forensics efforts to track down and prove improper download of company computer files and addressed issues relating to computer management and inventory of data.
Client Alert | 5 min read | 02.20.25
On February 18, President Trump issued an Executive Order titled “Ensuring Accountability for All Agencies” that directs independent agencies (as well as Cabinet Departments and their sub-agencies) to route all “proposed and final significant regulatory” and budgetary actions through the White House and the Office of Management and Budget. If implemented to its full extent, this action will significantly strengthen the authority of the White House by weakening the political autonomy of these independent agencies. As an assertion of the President’s inherent powers under Article II of the U.S. Constitution, it also stands to weaken congressional influence over these independent agencies, both through the appropriations and confirmation processes.
Webinar | 01.23.25
Trump Administration and What it Means for Businesses Outside the US
Firm News | 3 min read | 12.05.24
Firm News | 1 min read | 11.11.24
Orange County Business Journal Honors Chahira Solh at Women in Business Awards
Supreme Court Ruling In Asbestos Case May Draw Out Bankruptcy Settlements
Business Insurance
Judge Dismisses CEQA Lawsuit, Clears Way For Proposed Reservoir Near Sacramento
Daily Journal (subscription required)
Client Alert | 5 min read | 02.20.25
On February 18, President Trump issued an Executive Order titled “Ensuring Accountability for All Agencies” that directs independent agencies (as well as Cabinet Departments and their sub-agencies) to route all “proposed and final significant regulatory” and budgetary actions through the White House and the Office of Management and Budget. If implemented to its full extent, this action will significantly strengthen the authority of the White House by weakening the political autonomy of these independent agencies. As an assertion of the President’s inherent powers under Article II of the U.S. Constitution, it also stands to weaken congressional influence over these independent agencies, both through the appropriations and confirmation processes.
Webinar | 01.23.25
Trump Administration and What it Means for Businesses Outside the US
Firm News | 3 min read | 12.05.24
Firm News | 1 min read | 11.11.24
Orange County Business Journal Honors Chahira Solh at Women in Business Awards