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Distressed Debt and Claims Trading


Crowell & Moring U.K. LLP is a global leader in the distressed debt and claims trading market. In the 1990s, we represented a number of the investors who pioneered trading in the distressed bank loan market and, since that time, have helped create documentation, standards, customs, and other legal best practices that have since been adopted by the secondary loan trading marketplace as a whole.

Drawing on our broad experience representing hedge funds, investment banks, collateralised loan obligation (CLO) managers and other fund managers—as well as market authorities and industry-wide groups, including the Loan Syndications and Trading Association (LSTA) and Loan Market Association (LMA)—we provide targeted, effective counsel on the legal issues and commercial complexities facing participants in the loan and claims trading markets.

A multinational team providing broad-spectrum counsel

Our core teams of London- and New York-based distressed debt and claims trading lawyers and other legal professionals form one of the legal industry’s largest and most experienced practices. Well versed in market challenges and trends, we provide responsive, real-time, and efficient service focused on solving our clients’ most pressing concerns and helping them capitalize on emerging developments. We also maintain strong relationships with highly skilled local counsel around the world—a particular advantage for clients engaged in cross-border business.

Our counsel is further enhanced by the firm’s deep knowledge in bankruptcy, restructuring, insolvency, credit derivatives, lending, debt finance, private equity, and securities law. At every step, we supply the full range of legal services essential to maximising returns and recoveries in the distressed asset marketplace.

We regularly advise clients in the following, among other areas:

  • Claims analysis
  • Cross-border and domestic purchases, sales, and related transactions
  • Strategy development, with particular respect to subsequent restructurings, reorganisations, bankruptcies, and related litigation
  • Tax and other issues that arise in acquiring and holding debt and claims


Client Alert | 4 min read | 08.18.23

Change Is a Coming: The Financial Services and Markets Act 2023

On 29 June 2023, the long-awaited Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 (the “Act”) received Royal Assent, clearing the Act’s final hurdle prior to its
implementation. The Act is the framework for the UK’s post-Brexit financial legislative and regulatory landscape.  Focusing on the promotion of competition,
innovation and investor protections, it hopes to ensure the UK’s continued leadership in the global economy by providing “a smarter financial services
framework”. While the Act is 349 pages in length, we have set out some of the key themes and regulations currently making headlines.



Client Alert | 4 min read | 08.18.23

Change Is a Coming: The Financial Services and Markets Act 2023

On 29 June 2023, the long-awaited Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 (the “Act”) received Royal Assent, clearing the Act’s final hurdle prior to its
implementation. The Act is the framework for the UK’s post-Brexit financial legislative and regulatory landscape.  Focusing on the promotion of competition,
innovation and investor protections, it hopes to ensure the UK’s continued leadership in the global economy by providing “a smarter financial services
framework”. While the Act is 349 pages in length, we have set out some of the key themes and regulations currently making headlines.