Cyber Coverage


Cyber insurance has exploded both as a specialty line of coverage being written specifically to respond to cyber risk, and as a problem for existing coverage lines through “silent cyber” exposures. Crowell & Moring’s Insurance and Reinsurance lawyers are knowledge leaders on cyber risk and cyber wordings. Further, we have experience addressing cyber-related exposures under traditional coverage lines. 

We assist insurers with all stages of the life cycle of these issues – from reviewing and drafting policy language; to monitoring and advising with respect to underlying cyber-related claims; to counseling on coverage issues under specialized cyber, crime, media and technology policies; to seeking reinsurance for cyber-related losses. As our clients’ needs dictate, we can also turn  to our colleagues in the firm’s privacy and cyber practice for assistance in evaluating and litigating cyber-related coverage matters. This is also an area where our colleagues’ expertise in matters such as digital health, IoT and other technical aspects of innovation are an asset that we can build upon in assisting insurers in developing new products and insurance solutions.

Representative Matters

  • Assisting with drafting and review of cyber-liability policies, including negotiation with brokers and policyholders.
  • Monitoring and providing strategic advice in connection with underlying cyber-related claims.
  • Advising on coverage issues under cyber, crime, media and technology and other lines, including general liability, E&O and D&O policies.
  • Handling first-party coverage issues involving costs of notification, forensic investigation, and business interruption.
  • Counseling on coverage and claim-handling for third-party claims involving data breaches and alleged privacy violations.