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Firm News 28 results

Firm News | 2 min read | 01.17.25

World IP Review Ranks Crowell & Moring in USA Trademarks Rankings 2024

Chicago – January 17, 2025: World IP Review ranked Crowell & Moring in its USA Trademark Rankings 2024. These rankings are “a comprehensive guide showcasing the leading law firms and lawyers in the field of trademark law in the United States.”

Firm News | 2 min read | 01.07.25

World IP Review Ranks Crowell & Moring in USA Trade Secrets Rankings 2024

Washington – January 7, 2025: World IP Review ranked Crowell & Moring in the inaugural USA Trade Secrets Rankings 2024. These rankings are “a comprehensive guide showcasing the leading law firms and lawyers at the forefront of trade secrets law in the United States.”

Firm News | 9 min read | 06.06.24

Crowell Attains Leading Rankings in Chambers USA 2024

Washington – June 6, 2024: Crowell & Moring earned 78 rankings for 67 lawyers, as well as 41 national and statewide practice area rankings, in the Chambers USA 2024 guide. The rankings are driven by independent interviews of clients and lawyers at peer firms.

Client Alerts 54 results

Client Alert | 9 min read | 04.24.24

FTC Issues Final Rule Banning Most Non-Compete Agreements

On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC” or “the Agency”) voted 3-2 along partisan lines in a special public meeting to adopt the “Non-Compete Clause Rule” (the “Final Rule”), which will prohibit most employee non-competes with retroactive effect, except existing non-compete provisions of “senior executives.”  The Final Rule will also ban future non-compete agreements, including for senior executives, with limited exceptions.  The rule will not become effective until 120 days after publication in the Federal Register, and covered employers will be required to comply with the Final Rule by that effective date, which could come as early as August this year.  By the FTC’s own estimate, this ban could affect up to one-in-five American workers.

Client Alert | 3 min read | 04.02.24

Precedential Federal Circuit Opinion Underscores Tension in Interpretation of the Safe Harbor of 35 U.S.C. § 271(e)(1)

On March 25, 2024, the Federal Circuit issued a precedential opinion in Edwards Lifesciences Corporation v. Meril Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., a case with significant implications for the application of the safe harbor provision of 35 U.S.C. § 271(e)(1). This case involved the importation of two transcatheter heart valve systems by Meril Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., an India-based medical device company, to San Francisco for a medical conference. According to Meril, these heart valve systems, part of Meril’s Myval System designed to treat heart disease, were never displayed or offered for sale at the conference but were instead stored in a bag in a hotel closet and later in a storage room. The Court’s decision to affirm the district court’s grant of summary judgment of noninfringement in favor of Meril brings to light the nuances of applying the safe harbor provision in patent infringement cases.

Client Alert | 5 min read | 11.27.23

The ITC Continues to Play a Critical Role in Combating International Trade Secret Theft

A recent Final Initial Determination (“FID”) from newly appointed Administrative Law Judge Hines confirmed the statutory authority of the International Trade Commission (“ITC” or “Commission”) to investigate the alleged importation of goods incorporating misappropriated trade secrets causing injury to a domestic industry, as held by the Federal Circuit in TianRui Grp. Co. Ltd. v. Int’l Trade Comm’n, 661 F.3d 1322 (Fed. Cir. 2011).  The ALJ also held that Complainant had proven its domestic industry had been substantially injured despite the fact that its revenue had increased during the same period.  For Crowell’s previous client alert on TianRui, see here.

Press Coverage 18 results

Press Coverage | 06.28.16

The 24 Firms GCs Love the Most


Publications 20 results

Publication | 01.10.24

Trade Secret Litigation: When Secrets Must Be Identified

Litigation Forecast 2024
Courts across the country will continue grappling with the question of exactly how and when trade secret plaintiffs should be required to identify the very information they are suing to protect, says Paul Keller, a partner in Crowell & Moring’s Patents Group.

Events 17 results

Event | 12.13.23, 3:00 PM PST - 5:00 PM PST

Trade Secrets and Damages in Focus –Identifying, Protecting, and Defending your Assets from the Perspective of the DOJ, Litigators, and Experts

You are cordially invited to join us for an in-person CLE program on unlocking the secrets to protecting and profiting from your intellectual property. Join us for an informative session where you'll discover the invaluable competitive edge trade secrets can provide, gain insights into federal protection under the Defend Trade Secrets Act (DTSA), and learn how expert analysis can determine damages in trade secrets lawsuits. Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead in the world of intellectual property and legal standards. Then, join us for a post-program Q&A session, followed by a reception, featuring cocktails and hors d’oeuvres.

Event | 02.02.22, 6:00 AM PST - 7:15 AM PST

American Intellectual Property Law Association 2022 Mid-Winter Institute

Raija Horstman will be presenting in Part 1 of the "Deep Dive: Therapeutics" session and addressing the topic, "Patents vs. Trade Secrets in Biotech and Pharma: Navigating the Quagmire" at AIPLA's Mid-Winter Institute on February 2, 2022. She will be speaking about what is next for biopharma as it searches for the next breakthrough therapeutic. 

Event | 12.13.21, 3:30 AM MST - 5:00 AM MST

The Sedona Conference WG12 Annual Meeting 2021

Astor Heaven will be participating as a panelist and moderator at the 2021 Annual Meeting of The Sedona Conference Working Group (WG12) on Trade Secrets.  The WG12 will be comprised of drafting teams that will lead discussion on various trade secret related topics, with the ultimate goal of advancing draft commentary for publication.  Astor will be leading a discussion on “Sharing Trade Secrets With Other Organizations.”

Webinars 13 results

Webinar | 01.25.22, 7:00 AM EST - 8:00 AM EST

2021 Trade Secrets Year in Review and What Lies Ahead

Join us for a webinar discussion as we cover what you need to know about the big cases, changes, and developments relating to trade secrets from the past year. Our discussion will cover three key areas:

Webinar | 09.29.20, 10:00 AM EDT - 11:00 AM EDT

The U.S. Response to China’s Theft and Acquisition of Trade Secrets

There’s been an increase in the number of criminal prosecutions of trade secret theft under the Economic Espionage Act over the past several years, including the pursuit of those behind state-sponsored cyber intrusions as well as a renewed focus on insider cases involving both private sector companies and academic institutions.

Webinar | 05.13.20, 11:30 AM EDT - 12:30 PM EDT

Is the Platform You’re Using a Potential Threat to Protecting Your Trade Secrets?

With more employees working remotely due to COVID-19, the risk of disclosure of sensitive business information significantly increases as information is accessed outside the office. Employees are increasingly relying on video services to remain connected, but the increasing prevalence of video services does not come without problems. Join us for a discussion of the risks and tips for ensuring your company’s trade secrets are protected.

Blog Posts 221 results

Blog Post | 02.22.24

Motion to Dismiss Based on Trade Secret Disclosure in a Patent for the Birds

Crowell & Moring’s Trade Secrets Trends

Podcasts 1 result

Podcast | 11.15.24

&Motion: The Micro-Mobility Industry—Lessons Learned from the e-Bike Manufacturer, JackRabbit

&Motion sits down with the CEO of e-bike manufacturer, JackRabbit, to discuss the micro-mobility industry, the particular niche that JackRabbit serves, and the technical and regulatory challenges that were encountered.