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Firm News 157 results

Firm News | 2 min read | 11.19.24

Crowell Earns National Practice Rankings in Best Law Firms 2025

Crowell & Moring ranked nationally in 21 practice areas in the 2025 edition of Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms.” In addition, the firm was ranked in 36 metropolitan categories.

Firm News | 8 min read | 08.15.24

The Best Lawyers in America 2025 Recognizes 42 Crowell & Moring Attorneys, Three Selected as Lawyer of the Year

Washington – August 15, 2024: The 2025 edition of The Best Lawyers in America® has recognized 42 Crowell & Moring lawyers as "Best Lawyers" and 29 lawyers as “Ones to Watch.”

Firm News | 2 min read | 06.18.24

Crowell Attorneys and Practices Recognized in Managing IP’s 2024 IP Stars Guide

Managing Intellectual Property has recognized four Crowell & Moring attorneys and practices in its 2024 IP Stars guide. The guide, which is in its sixth edition, “brings together the world’s foremost law firm and corporate trademark experts, allowing the wider community to benefit from their insight, experience and perspectives.”

Client Alerts 389 results

Client Alert | 4 min read | 03.25.25

Federal Circuit Affirms Deductibility of Hatch-Waxman Litigation Expenses

In a significant decision for generic drug manufacturers, the Federal Circuit recently affirmed that litigation expenses incurred in defending Hatch-Waxman patent lawsuits are deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). The ruling in Actavis Laboratories FL, Inc. v. United States, No. 23-1320 (Fed. Cir. Mar. 21, 2025), resolves a key tax dispute, allowing tax deductions for these expenses in the year they are incurred rather than capitalizing them over time. This outcome provides clarity and potential tax benefits for qualifying businesses navigating the interplay of patent litigation and FDA drug approvals.

Client Alert | 5 min read | 08.13.24

The Federal Circuit Defines the “Public Disclosure” Exception to Prior Art Under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b)(2)

The Federal Circuit in Sanho Corp. v. Kaijet Technology International Limited, Inc., No. 2023-1336 (Fed. Cir. July 31, 2024) recently addressed the prior art exception of a “public disclosure” under 35 USC § 102(b)(2)(B).  Affirming a decision of the U.S. Patent Trial and Appeals Board (“PTAB”), the court held that “publicly disclosed” is only satisfied if the invention was made available to the public, and a non-confidential but otherwise private sale of an invention is not a sufficient “public disclosure”.  This case provides a cautionary tale that disclosing or selling an invention before filing a patent application is fraught with risk.

Client Alert | 5 min read | 06.24.24

Brussels Court of Appeal Prohibits the Rebranding of a Generic Pharmaceutical Into the Originator Reference Product in the Framework of Parallel Import

The Judgment of the Brussels Court of Appeal is the latest development in the saga in Belgium where a Belgian parallel importer, PI Pharma NV, imported a generic Sandoz product from the Netherlands, repackaged and rebranded them, and placed them on the Belgian market alleging they were a Novartis’ originator product.

Press Coverage 108 results

Publications 91 results

Publication | 01.10.24

Jurisdictional Analysis: Hot Topics, Cooling Litigation

Litigation Forecast 2024
Intellectual property has been in the spotlight this past year, from a landmark Copyright Fair Use case in the U.S. Supreme Court, to the more than 100 AI-related lawsuits working their way through the legal system. Despite the publicity surrounding intellectual property, patent litigation filings were down roughly 25 percent in 2023, due in part to a large decline in IP Edge filings, which normally account for hundreds of cases each year. The number of new trademark cases stayed about the same while copyright filings increased slightly.

Events 132 results

Event | 03.12.25 - 03.13.25, 8:00 AM CDT - 6:00 PM CDT

World Intellectual Property Review Summit

Crowell was a silver sponsor of The World Intellectual Property Review (WIPR) Summit in Chicago March 12 and 13. The conference topic was “Create A Winning IP Strategy: Overcome Market Uncertainty, Harness AI, And Improve Efficiency."

Event | 03.09.23, 1:00 PM EST - 2:00 PM EST

Minimizing Risks When Launching Smart Medical Devices

More companies than ever before are launching smart medical devices and industry growth seems endless as new products and technologies are announced daily. However, before companies push products to market, it’s crucial to understand key aspects of device approval, and company and patient protection. In this webinar, our speakers will outline intellectual property strategies, U.S. Food and Drug Administration considerations, and data cybersecurity concerns that are inherent to all smart medical devices. They will explore the legal issues that can significantly decrease the risk profile and potential liabilities throughout a product's lifecycle and create safer, more reliable products for consumers.

Event | 02.12.20, 1:00 PM EST - 3:00 PM EST

Hon. William C. Conner Inn of Court - A Conversation with the Bench and Bar: Perspectives and Wish Lists

This program is a panel discussion among members of the Federal Judiciary and experienced members of the IP bar regarding ways to improve IP litigation. 

Webinars 9 results

Webinar | 02.24.22, 6:00 AM CST - 8:00 AM CST

Selected IP/IT Topics in a Digital Environment

In Collaboration with the IBJ/IJE Intellectual property and information technology law has a broad scope and raises numerous concerns for company lawyers. Furthermore, the question often arises whether traditional concepts can still be applied in a digital environment. Our Technology & IP team will address some of the questions raised in the day-to-day practice, such as:

Webinar | 03.10.21, 7:00 AM EST - 8:00 AM EST

2021: Year of the Knockoff

Counterstrategies at the U.S. ITC & Beyond Combine the COVID-19 pandemic with the already exponential rise in e-commerce, and what do you get? Innovation? Sure. Imitation? Absolutely. With it harder than ever to touch and experience products before purchase during the pandemic, 2021 is poised to be the "Year of the Knockoff."

Webinar | 03.10.20, 10:00 AM EDT - 11:00 AM EDT

Webinar Series: Top 10 Tips for Safeguarding Trade Secrets

Instituting and maintaining a trade secret protection policy is a challenge. If no policy is yet in place, it may be difficult to decide where to begin. For an existing policy, ensuring the policy’s efficacy and adequacy under the law is time-consuming. Regardless of your situation, the solution is to take purposeful and informed action to improve the protection of your highest priority trade secrets.

Blog Posts 77 results

Blog Post | 09.30.22

Trade Secrets Food Fight Spotlights Importance of Comprehensive Agreements

Crowell & Moring’s Trade Secrets Trends

Blog Post | 07.20.22

What the DOJ Annual Reports Reveal About Federal Trade Secret and IP Protection Efforts

Crowell & Moring’s Trade Secrets Trends

Podcasts 1 result

Podcast | 01.08.25

&Motion - A.I. in the Transportation Industry: An Intro to the Tech and the Issues

&Motion sits down with Crowell’s own Jason Johnson and Neda Shaheen to discuss the basics of A.I., what Generative A.I. means, how these systems learn, and the uses of A.I. in, and risks for, the transportation space. To view the full presentation, please click here.