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Client Alerts 6 results

Client Alert | 9 min read | 06.17.24

Navigating Compliance: Preparing for the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

EU member states must transpose the directive into national law within two years of its entry into force.  Compliance with the Directive will be introduced in stages, as follows:

Client Alert | 22 min read | 05.31.24

2024: An Overview of New and Upcoming Belgian and EU Laws and Regulations – UPDATED in May 2024

At the beginning of the year, we brought to your attention that a number of important Belgian and EU legislative changes are likely to have an impact in 2024: there are new laws that have been adopted and proposals that are expected to firm up into law.

Client Alert | 4 min read | 03.20.24

The EU AI Act and Obligations for Companies Operating in the European Union

In an era where regulatory landscapes are rapidly evolving, companies with a footprint in the European Union must stay vigilant and adaptable. The EU has recently unveiled a comprehensive set of guidelines that impose fresh obligations on both EU and non-EU based companies operating within its borders. This client alert is the first in a series designed to decode the complexities of the new EU regulations and provide actionable insights for businesses to ensure full compliance[1]. Stay tuned as we unravel the details of these pivotal changes and guide you through the steps your business needs to take to align with the EU's heightened regulatory standards.

Publications 1 result

Webinars 3 results

Webinar | 09.19.24, 3:00 PM CEST - 4:00 PM CEST

Webinar on Green Claims and Greenwashing Risk

Get ready for an eye-opening webinar that dives deep into the world of greenwashing and the hidden risks it poses to businesses! 

Webinar | 11.30.23, 12:30 PM CET - 2:00 PM CET

The CBAM Transitional Period: A Guide for EU Importers

The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is an important element of the EU’s green agenda efforts. This webinar will guide you through the mechanics of the transitional period that started on 1 October 2023. It will cover what EU importers need to learn and what the EU institutions are likely to further implement going forward.

Webinar | 05.05.22, 7:00 AM CDT - 9:00 AM CDT

EU Data Strategy: How the Data Governance Act and the Data Act will Facilitate the Access to and the Reuse of Data

Expectations for the data economy are high: data will fuel innovation and growth in various sectors, especially in the life sciences, automotive and energy industries. The EU has the ambition to become the leader in a data-driven society by creating a digital single market in which harmonized rules apply. The Data Governance Act and the Data Act are cornerstones in this strategy and will encourage the sharing of non-personal data between governments (B2G) and businesses (B2B).