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Client Alerts 5 results

Client Alert | 14 min read | 05.03.24

Aid and Sanctions: Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan Aid Bill Expands U.S. Sanctions and Export Control Authorities

On April 24, 2024, President Biden signed into law the National Security Supplemental fiscal package, which includes significant new sanctions and export controls authorities. Although the U.S. foreign aid commitments for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan headline the new law, it also (1) expands the statute of limitations for U.S. sanctions violations; (2) includes new authorities for the President to coordinate sanctions efforts with the European Union and the United Kingdom; (3) expands sanctions and export controls on Iran (including some targeted at Chinese financial institutions); and (4) includes new sanctions authorities targeting terror groups.

Client Alert | 7 min read | 04.16.21

President Biden Imposes Additional Sanctions on Russia

On April 15, 2021, the United States unveiled a sweeping series of additional sanctions on Russia, marking the first major Russia-related sanctions development of the Biden Administration and the most material such U.S. action in several years.  The actions were spearheaded by President Biden’s issuance of Executive Order 14024 (the “EO”) that grants the Department of Treasury a wide-ranging set of new designation authorities, including to designate persons “operating in” the “technology” and “defense and related material” sectors of the Russian economy.  Acting under this authority, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) designated six Russian entities for operating in the “technology” sector as well as expanding existing restrictions on U.S. financial institutions to now restrict participation in the primary market for certain ruble-, as well as non-ruble-denominated bonds, as well as certain ruble- or non-ruble-denominated lending activities.

Client Alert | 5 min read | 03.08.21

OFAC's First Enforcement Actions Against Digital Currency Service Providers

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) recently announced settlements with two virtual currency service providers, Bit Pay, Inc. (Bit Pay) and BitGo, Inc. (BitGo), for alleged sanctions violations. Separately, Coinbase Global Inc., (Coinbase) the largest virtual currency exchange in the U.S., has disclosed that its services may have been used in violation of U.S. sanctions, and that the case remains pending under OFAC’s review. The BitGo and Bit Pay settlements involved failures to use Internet Protocol (IP) location data to detect transactions with persons in sanctions jurisdictions (in addition to other alleged failures in the case of BitGo), and build on previous guidance that OFAC has provided to money transmitters (which includes many virtual currency businesses) about its expectation that they will use such services to aid compliance with sanctions. Together, these settlements and investigation suggest a concerted effort by OFAC to remind virtual currency businesses of their OFAC obligations and to encourage broader implementation of appropriate compliance programs.

Press Coverage 1 result

Webinars 2 results

Webinar | 06.21.22, 5:00 AM EDT - 6:00 AM EDT

Balancing US/China Export Controls

Crowell & Moring attorneys will examine the myriad of challenges that companies face when balancing efforts to comply with the export regulations of both the United States and China. We will delve into both nations’ export control regulations and provide observations on areas to watch over the next year. Our areas of focus will include:

Webinar | 02.02.22, 6:30 AM EST - 8:00 AM EST

Export Controls Year in Review 2021

Crowell & Moring International Trade attorneys will discuss the most prominent developments of the last year and the trends we expect to continue into 2022. 

Blog Posts 14 results

Blog Post | 12.12.23

DHS Adds Three Chinese entities to UFLPA Entity List

Crowell & Moring’s International Trade Law

Blog Post | 07.07.23

Five Eyes Partners Reach Agreement on Export Control Enforcement Cooperation

Crowell & Moring’s International Trade Law

Blog Post | 02.08.23

Congress Increases CBP’s Forced Labor Enforcement Budget To More Than $100 Million

Crowell & Moring’s International Trade Law

Podcasts 1 result

Podcast | 05.13.24

Global Trade Talks: Expanded U.S. Sanctions and Export Control Authorities Included in the Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan Aid Bills

Global Trade Talks is a podcast that shares brief perspectives on key global issues on international trade, current events, business, law, and public policy as they impact our lives. In this session, hosts and International Trade Practice Leaders Nicole Simonian and Dj Wolff talk with Crowell lawyers Jeremy Iloulian and Laurel Saito about the significant new sanctions and export control authorities included in the recently enacted National Security Supplemental fiscal package. While this legislation is best known for providing U.S. foreign aid commitments for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, it also contains critical trade related provisions that (i) expand the statute of limitations for U.S. sanctions violations; (ii) give the President new authorities to coordinate sanction efforts with the US and UK; (iii) expand sanctions and export controls on Iran (with some targeting Chinese financial institutions); and (iv) provide for new sanctions authorities targeting terror groups.