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Firm News 12 results

Firm News | 2 min read | 01.07.25

World IP Review Ranks Crowell & Moring in USA Trade Secrets Rankings 2024

Washington – January 7, 2025: World IP Review ranked Crowell & Moring in the inaugural USA Trade Secrets Rankings 2024. These rankings are “a comprehensive guide showcasing the leading law firms and lawyers at the forefront of trade secrets law in the United States.”

Firm News | 1 min read | 04.10.20

LITIGATION NOTE: Crowell & Moring Secures Win for Client Molson Coors’ Hard Seltzer Launch

New York – April 10, 2020: In February 2019, Future Proof Brands LLC filed a trademark infringement lawsuit against Crowell & Moring client Molson Coors Beverage Co. and requested a preliminary injunction to bar it from selling or marketing its new Vizzy hard seltzer, citing a November 2018 trademark application for the name Brizzy. On March 25, 2020, U.S. District Judge James R. Nowlin denied Future Proof’s motion.

Firm News | 7 min read | 09.20.19

Super Lawyers Recognizes 82 Crowell & Moring Lawyers Across United States

Washington – September 20, 2019: Super Lawyers has recognized 82 Crowell & Moring lawyers as leaders in their field in Southern California, Northern California, New York Metro, and Washington, D.C. The lawyers listed below were named in the corresponding issues of 2019 Super Lawyers Magazine, the Super Lawyers 2019 "Rising Stars" Edition, or the Super Lawyers 2019 Women’s Edition. Lawyers were identified through a peer nomination process and listed by respective practice areas for which they were selected.Los Angeles (Southern California)

Client Alerts 76 results

Client Alert | 5 min read | 06.04.21

Supreme Court Resolves Circuit Split over Scope of Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

After months of anticipation, the Supreme Court issued its opinion in Van Buren v. United States narrowing the scope of what constitutes “exceeds authorized access” under Section 1030(a)(2) of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (“CFAA”). No. 19-783, --- S.Ct. --- (June 3, 2021). The Supreme Court ruled that to be liable under the “exceeds authorized access” prong of the CFAA, a defendant must have accessed information within a computer system they were not permitted to access. It is no longer sufficient under the CFAA to show a defendant had an improper motive to obtain and use information on a computer system which they were permitted to access. 

Client Alert | 2 min read | 01.14.21

New Year, New Rules: Recent Amendments to Federal Rules

To put it mildly, 2020 was a year full of changes—including changes to the federal court rules of procedure. As litigants prepare for a new year of court proceedings, they should bear in mind several of these rule changes.

Client Alert | 2 min read | 09.29.20

DOJ Antitrust Division Takes "Extraordinary Step" in Issuing Supplemental Business Review Letter to IEEE

On September 10, the U.S. Department of Justice took what it described as an “extraordinary step” and issued a Supplemental Business Review Letter to its previous 2015 Business Review Letter to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). IEEE is a standards development organization (SDO) that has developed thousands of international standards, including the 802.11 family of Wi-Fi standards. The DOJ’s latest letter to IEEE revised significant aspects of the DOJ’s original analysis of IEEE’s 2015 patent policy to align with current DOJ competition policy positions on standards development and SDO policies for providing access to standard essential patents.

Publications 19 results

Publication | 04.14.22

Toward A Better Way: Protecting Confidential Information

ABA Litigation Journal

Events 7 results

Event | 05.09.22, 8:45 AM UTC - 10:15 AM UTC

2022 Sedona Conference on Trade Secrets

Mark Klapow served as a moderator at the 2022 Sedona Conference on Trade Secrets on a panel titled, "The Proper Identification of Asserted Trade Secrets in Misappropriation Cases". 

Event | 03.02.17 - 03.03.17, 12:00 AM UTC - 12:00 AM UTC

2017 Trade Secret Law Summit

AIPLA's Trade Secret Law Committee is taking this year's Trade Secret Law Summit on the road again!  Join them on March 2 - 3, 2017 at the Emory University School of Law (Gambrell Hall), 1301 Clifton Road, Atlanta, Georgia, for a practical and comprehensive CLE program designed to educate new and seasoned practitioners alike. It is more important than ever to learn the fundamentals of trade secret protection and what you and your clients need to do to protect your confidential information from cyber-attacks and trade secret theft.

Event | 12.04.14 - 12.05.14, 12:00 AM UTC - 12:00 AM UTC

AIPLA's 2014 Trade Secret Law Summit

American Intellectual Property Law Association's Trade Secret Law Committee is excited to announce that it is taking this year's Trade Secret Law Summit on the road on December 4 and 5, 2014 in Santa Clara, CA.   

Webinars 9 results

Webinar | 06.16.20, 8:00 AM EDT - 9:00 AM EDT

Contract Enforcement and Mitigation Issues in Light of COVID-19

The performance of many commercial contracts has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including supply agreements, services agreements, and commercial leases. Are those impacts being allocated consistent with your negotiated agreements? Are there other doctrines such as frustration of purpose and impossibility of performance that apply to your agreements and might impact the allocation of COVID-19 impacts? Please join us for a discussion of commercial contracts and what rights you might have related to those contracts, including claims for possible recovery.

Webinar | 06.11.20, 10:00 AM EDT - 11:00 AM EDT

COVID and The Courts

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to expand its geographic reach, courts across the country have begun to impose a number of restrictions, closures, and other emergency measures. Currently, however, these measures are being implemented by federal courts on an ad hoc, court-by-court basis, leaving litigants with a patchwork of sometimes inconsistent rules for accessing court services. These restrictions vary from modest restrictions on court access to high-risk individuals, to near total suspension of court activities. Join us as we examine how the courts are responding and strategic considerations for moving your disputes closer to resolution.

Webinar | 05.07.20, 11:00 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT

Business Interruption: Preparing for Future Commercial Disputes

Many businesses are invoking force majeure and related legal doctrines to suspend performance in the wake of the global pandemic. Even if the dispute will likely be resolved amicably, understanding and protecting your rights is critical to the best outcome. Join Crowell & Moring litigators as they explore key issues in force majeure disputes and how to position your company for success at the negotiating table, in court, or in arbitration.

Blog Posts 31 results

Blog Post | 05.12.22

$2B Jury Verdict in Trade Secrets Suit

Crowell & Moring’s Trade Secrets Trends