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Firm News 29 results

Firm News | 8 min read | 08.15.24

The Best Lawyers in America 2025 Recognizes 42 Crowell & Moring Attorneys, Three Selected as Lawyer of the Year

Washington – August 15, 2024: The 2025 edition of The Best Lawyers in America® has recognized 42 Crowell & Moring lawyers as "Best Lawyers" and 29 lawyers as “Ones to Watch.”

Firm News | 8 min read | 08.17.23

The Best Lawyers in America 2024 Recognizes 47 Crowell & Moring Attorneys, Two Selected as Lawyer of the Year

Washington – August 17, 2023: The 2024 edition of The Best Lawyers in America® has recognized 47 firm lawyers as "Best Lawyers" and 41 lawyers as “Ones to Watch.”

Firm News | 7 min read | 08.18.22

The Best Lawyers in America 2023 Recognizes 54 Crowell & Moring Attorneys, Three Selected as Lawyer of the Year

Washington – August 18, 2022: The 2023 edition of The Best Lawyers in America® has recognized 54 firm lawyers as "Best Lawyers" and 32 lawyers as “Ones to Watch.”

Client Alerts 5 results

Client Alert | 2 min read | 02.09.24

California Contract Law Update: Conditional Payment Clauses

Recent developments in California case law have strengthened the ability to enforce conditional or tiered payments in commercial contracts and leases.  

Client Alert | 5 min read | 07.01.20

Court Rejects Landlords’ Constitutional Challenges to New York Executive Order Suspending Evictions

On June 29, 2020, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York dismissed a challenge by several landlords to quash New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Executive Order 202.28 (the “Executive Order”), issued on May 7, 2020.  The Executive Order, among other things, imposed a moratorium on commercial and residential evictions during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The court found that the eviction restrictions imposed by the Executive Order do not violate landlords' rights under federal law and that the court has no jurisdiction over state law questions they may raise.

Client Alert | 9 min read | 06.23.20

In the Wake of COVID-19: Protective Actions the Retail Tenant Should Take When Faced with a Landlord’s Bankruptcy

Retail tenants are experiencing unprecedented difficulties stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, including government shutdown orders for non-essential businesses and shelter-in-place rules that have virtually stopped all in-person shopping. Even as these restrictions are finally being relaxed to a limited degree, the dramatic effects of the pandemic will long be felt in the retail industry. This alert addresses just one of the consequences in the wake of COVID-19: the expected rise in bankruptcy filings by commercial landlords and, as a corollary, what retail tenants should do to protect their rights and seek available remedies when faced with a landlord’s bankruptcy.

Press Coverage 3 results

Press Coverage | 03.27.15

California's Antitrust Bar

Global Competition Review
Crowell & Moring's California Antitrust Group is noted as "highly recommended" in the state, in a special feature published in Global Competition Review that explores the law firms doing the best antitrust work in California. The article notes that Crowell & Moring's California antitrust practice is "one of the most remarkable in the state… [that] has found its niche splitting its time between defense and plaintiffs matters, leading for major opt-out clients in some of the top antitrust litigation matters in the country."

Press Coverage | 03.13.15

A Learned Career: Crowell & Moring Alumni at Universities

Crowell Connect (Alumni Newsletter)
At universities across America, more than 30 Crowell & Moring alumni make their careers as in-house counsel or faculty. Among them are Beth Nolan, senior vice president and general counsel at George Washington University, Karen Petrulakis, chief deputy general counsel at University of California, and David Florin, deputy general counsel for health affairs at Yale University. And just this December, alumna Ramona Romero assumed the role of Princeton University's general counsel. All serve in key leadership positions and help their universities tackle issues ranging from cutting-edge research and intellectual property licensing to Title IX concerns and academic freedom." In the March edition of Crowell Connect, they and other C&M alumni discuss their memories of the firm and what it's like to work in higher education. 

Publications 7 results

Events 17 results

Event | 02.10.19 - 02.13.19, 2:00 AM CST - 12:00 PM CST

AUTM 2019 Annual Meeting

AUTM’s Annual Meeting invites technology transfer professionals from around the globe to network, make deals and gain valuable insights from world-class speakers and panels.

Event | 03.12.17 - 03.15.17, 12:00 AM UTC - 12:00 AM UTC

AUTM 2017 Annual Meeting

Attend the 2017 Annual Meeting and you’ll learn why AUTM is the gold standard for professional development in technology transfer. Here you will find an opportunity to network with industry, investors, and nearly every academic research institution in the world in one location. You will gain more knowledge, build stronger relationships, and bring greater value to your office. If you are responsible for marketing, valuation, protection, licensing or negotiating of university intellectual property, or, if you are searching for intellectual property to license, join us in Hollywood, Florida on March 12 – 15, 2017.

Event | 02.23.17, 3:30 AM PST - 5:30 AM PST

ACC Litigation Committee Meeting: "Why Defendants Need to Litigate Like a Plaintiff to Win!"

Plaintiffs litigate differently. They start with specific goals in mind and adopt precise and tightly-crafted strategies and tactics to achieve them. In this session two experienced litigators from Crowell & Moring will share what lessons corporations can learn from emulating the maneuvers used by plaintiffs -- identifying and relentlessly adhering to goals, strategies, and tactics - to achieve favorable results in complex litigation.

Webinars 4 results

Webinar | 12.17.20, 10:00 AM EST - 11:00 AM EST

Trials during COVID – What is happening and choices to be made

Courthouses across the country are restarting and rethinking trials amid the coronavirus pandemic. This webinar will address what actions judges and courts are taking to conduct safe trials, including all virtual proceedings. Crowell & Moring’s experienced trial attorneys will discuss both best practices and important considerations to consider as matters navigate through the system. This panel of experts will weigh in on:

Webinar | 06.16.20, 8:00 AM EDT - 9:00 AM EDT

Contract Enforcement and Mitigation Issues in Light of COVID-19

The performance of many commercial contracts has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including supply agreements, services agreements, and commercial leases. Are those impacts being allocated consistent with your negotiated agreements? Are there other doctrines such as frustration of purpose and impossibility of performance that apply to your agreements and might impact the allocation of COVID-19 impacts? Please join us for a discussion of commercial contracts and what rights you might have related to those contracts, including claims for possible recovery.

Webinar | 04.22.20, 11:00 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT

Business Disruption in a Pandemic: What Commercial Office Lease Issues Do You Need to Consider?

In a typical office lease, office tenants agree to pay rent in exchange for space where their employees can all gather and do their jobs. What happens when employees cannot access that space? Should rent payments continue? Join us for a discussion of relevant lease provisions and legal authority. We will cover top level conclusions, possible claims based on lease language and legal authority, the possibility of default actions by landlords, and steps you can take now to protect your interests. 

Blog Posts 1 result

Blog Post | 09.15.21

Commercial Lease Disputes During the Ongoing Pandemic: The Second Wave

Crowell & Moring’s Retail & Consumer Products Law Observer