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Webcast: Releasing Lex Machina's latest 2023 Product Liability Litigation Report

Webinar | 09.14.23, 12:00 PM EDT - 1:00 PM EDT



On September 14, Robbie Jost will speak on the panel, "Webcast: Releasing Lex Machina's latest 2023 Product Liability Litigation Report." This panel will discuss the latest findings and trends in product liability litigation, including case filing, most active judges and venues, top law firms and parties, timing, case resolutions, findings, damages, and more. The discussion will include a look at emerging trends in federal appellate product liability litigation.

Questions - For questions about this event, please contact Caitlin Bordzuk

For more information, please visit these areas: Mass Tort, Product, and Consumer Litigation


Webinar | 02.25.25

First 100 Days: Navigating New Frontiers: Life Sciences in the Trump Era

Please join us for a post-Election webinar with the heads of our Government Affairs group who will address the myriad of areas in the Life Sciences industry that will likely be impacted by the new administration, including FDA, NIH, drug pricing, imports, and exports.