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The CBAM Transitional Period: A Guide for EU Importers

Webinar | 11.30.23, 12:30 PM CET - 2:00 PM CET



In collaboration with IBJ/IJE

The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is an important element of the EU’s green agenda efforts. This webinar will guide you through the mechanics of the transitional period that started on 1 October 2023. It will cover what EU importers need to learn and what the EU institutions are likely to further implement going forward.

We will explain what you need to know about CBAM’s complex set of calculation methodologies of carbon emissions of imported goods, and the possibility to use default values or existing emission reporting and monitoring programs under certain conditions. As the first CBAM report is due no later than 31 January 2024, the webinar will also focus on the plausibility of carbon emission evidence provided by third-country exporters.

Questions - For questions, contact Danica Schiefer.

For more information, please visit these areas: Automotive — Brussels Practice


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