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Speed to Market: The Race for Digital Transformation

Webinar | 05.03.18, 8:00 AM EDT - 9:00 AM EDT

Speed to Market: The Race for Digital Transformation

The In-house Lawyer’s Role in Business Innovation

Join us for the first webinar of our upcoming Digital Transformation information series.

Established companies and start-ups across sectors are inventing and reinventing products, customer experiences, and business models—and transforming the marketplace as a result. From autonomous vehicles to IoT devices to 3D printing, innovations are moving more quickly than the legislative, regulatory, and industry standards that govern them.

In-house counsel are being called upon to provide legal advice in uncharted territory at a time when speed is everything. With new innovation comes increased risk—from privacy and data security to product liability and safety. But navigating those risks can bring substantial rewards.

Law departments operating in the digital revolution are helping business leaders create innovative strategies that will bring new technologies to market rapidly. They are playing a dynamic role in helping to develop business architecture—far beyond legal advice—and they’re demonstrating how legal strategy can sharpen a company’s competitive edge and positively impact the bottom line.

Join us for a discussion of best practices in key areas, as well as a forecast of upcoming trends in the U.S. regulatory landscape. Also, sign up to receive our updates on our digital transformation information series, as we explore global trends and key developments throughout the coming months.


  • Kent A. Gardiner, Crowell & Moring partner and former chair of the firm, current chair of the firm’s Litigation & Trial Department

IoT and Safety: How Can You Advance Products to Market?

How to accelerate safe product launches and help the innovation tidal wave move forward.

  • Cheryl A. Falvey, Crowell & Moring partner and co-chair of the firm’s Advertising & Product Risk Management Group; former general counsel of the Consumer Product Safety Commission; and chair of the IoT Committee of the American Bar Association’s SciTech Section

Data Privacy and Enforcement: Where Are We and Where Are We Going?

  • Paul Rosen, Crowell & Moring partner and former federal prosecutor and chief of staff for Department of Homeland Security

Insurance Considerations: Which Coverage Will Respond to New Risks?

  • Laura Foggan, Crowell & Moring Insurance/Reinsurance Group partner and former co-chair of the Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee of the American Bar Association (ABA) Litigation Section

Consumer Protection: How Can You Foster Innovation and Still Protect Users?

  • Kristin Madigan, Crowell & Moring Litigation & Trial Group counsel, former attorney in the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Protection and vice-chair of the IoT Committee of the American Bar Association’s SciTech Section

For more information, please visit these areas: Litigation and Trial, Product Risk Management, Insurance / Reinsurance


Webinar | 02.25.25

First 100 Days: Navigating New Frontiers: Life Sciences in the Trump Era

Please join us for a post-Election webinar with the heads of our Government Affairs group who will address the myriad of areas in the Life Sciences industry that will likely be impacted by the new administration, including FDA, NIH, drug pricing, imports, and exports.