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Nuts & Bolts of Investigations: Protecting Privilege

Webinar | 05.19.22, 7:00 AM EDT - 8:00 AM EDT

The session will cover the preservation of the attorney client privilege during internal investigations and will examine both the basics of privilege law and best practices for preserving it in the US, UK and EU. Attendees will find this program very beneficial for members of the compliance, internal audit, and legal functions. 

During this webinar, we will discuss certain key aspects of privilege including:

  • Fundamentals in the UK, EU and US
  • Special considerations regarding waivers
  • Cross-border audits and investigations
  • Safeguarding privileged information

For more information, please visit these areas: Investigations, International Dispute Resolution, Privacy and Cybersecurity, White Collar and Regulatory Enforcement, Securities Fraud and Financial Investigations, International Dispute Resolution — London Practice


Webinar | 04.22.25

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