Let’s Talk All Things MoCRA – Is Your Company Prepared?
Webinar | 06.11.24, 1:00 PM EDT - 2:00 PM EDT | CLE Offered
The FDA will begin to enforce the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act (MoCRA)’s facility and product registration requirements on July 1, 2024. MoCRA has a significant impact on U.S. cosmetic manufacturers and marketers (and suppliers of ingredients). Companies should initiate steps to implement compliant systems now. Is your company prepared? To help make sure you are ready for these new requirements, Crowell & Moring is offering a webinar to discuss MoCRA and describe the key requirements under this law. During this webinar, panelists from Crowell’s Beauty and Wellness team (Robbie Jost, Helen Ogunyanwo, and Julia Carbonetti) and Marcha Isabelle Chaudry (Founder of Equity & Wellness Collaborative) will discuss:
- The statutory obligations under MoCRA
- Who is Responsible for what and when
- What companies should do to comply
Please contact Tricia Wyse with any quesitons.
For more information, please visit these areas: Mass Tort, Product and Consumer Litigation, Product Risk Management, Advertising and Brand Protection
Webinar | 01.28.25
The New Law on Private Investigations of 18 May 2024: Challenges, Risks, and Best Practices
In collaboration with the IBJThe Belgian law of 18 May 2024 regulating private investigations marks a significant shift in the legal landscape for employers conducting internal investigations. This comprehensive reform replaces outdated legislation and introduces stricter compliance requirements, notably impacting data privacy and HR practices. Understanding these legal requirements is essential to avoid potential pitfalls and ensure that investigations are carried out in a lawful and efficient manner.
Webinar | 01.23.25
Trump Administration and What it Means for Businesses Outside the US
Webinar | 01.22.25
Webinar | 01.09.25
What Will the New Year Bring for Government Contractors in 2025?