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Cybersecurity - The Sequel

Webinar | 05.20.21, 8:00 AM CDT - 9:00 AM CDT

During the last webinar in our cybersecurity series, we discussed novel issues, best practices, and potential legal considerations in the light of recent cybersecurity incidents. 

As cybersecurity incidents continue to be front page news in Belgium, legal professionals must make sure that they are on top of their game to address all the legal risks and corresponding obligations.

This webinar will provide you with a clear overview of the different notification obligations in Belgium, walk you through the most recent regulatory guidance, and discuss cybersecurity-related litigation risks. 

And, as it is realistic to talk about “when” rather than “if” a cyber incident will occur within your organization, we will be provide you with a Cyber Incident Checklist that will allow you to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best.


  • PowerPoint in English

For more information, please visit these areas: Privacy and Cybersecurity — Brussels Practice, Brussels Practice



Webinar | 07.25.24

Compliance, and Self-Disclosures, and Whistleblowers, "Oh My!"—The Latest on DOJ's Policy Updates and What We Can Learn From Recent Corporate Resolutions

Join our expert panel from Crowell's White Collar & Regulatory Enforcement, Investigations, and Labor and Employment teams as they provide a comprehensive overview of what these policies mean for companies and practical steps they can take to ensure they are in alignment.