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COVID and The Courts

Webinar | 06.11.20, 10:00 AM EDT - 11:00 AM EDT

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to expand its geographic reach, courts across the country have begun to impose a number of restrictions, closures, and other emergency measures. Currently, however, these measures are being implemented by federal courts on an ad hoc, court-by-court basis, leaving litigants with a patchwork of sometimes inconsistent rules for accessing court services. These restrictions vary from modest restrictions on court access to high-risk individuals, to near total suspension of court activities. Join us as we examine how the courts are responding and strategic considerations for moving your disputes closer to resolution.



Webinar | 07.25.24

Compliance, and Self-Disclosures, and Whistleblowers, "Oh My!"—The Latest on DOJ's Policy Updates and What We Can Learn From Recent Corporate Resolutions

Join our expert panel from Crowell's White Collar & Regulatory Enforcement, Investigations, and Labor and Employment teams as they provide a comprehensive overview of what these policies mean for companies and practical steps they can take to ensure they are in alignment.