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China, Trade and Supply Chains: Policy and Operational Risks

Webinar | 10.07.20, 11:00 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT

China has been at the center of domestic conversations about trade, tariffs and supply chains for the last several years – and these conversations have only accelerated during the current COVID-19 pandemic. In recent months, Capitol Hill and both presidential campaigns are actively talking about how to reduce supply chain overdependence, with broad questions about ”decoupling” looming in the background. Yet how real are these conversations moving forward? What legal and policy changes should manufacturers be watching? And how much have these policy conversations actually impacted company operational decisions?

The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) is pleased to invite you to join other members on Wednesday, October 7th at 3:00 p.m. EDT (12:00 p.m. PDT) for the next program in their China speaker series, a webinar that will dig into the rapidly evolving conversation on China, trade and supply chains, including current and future developments, their policy implications, and the operational impact for manufacturers in the United States. NAM will be joined by four speakers to discuss these topics in depth: 

  • Evan Y. Chuck, Partner, Crowell & Moring
  • David R. Stepp, Partner, Crowell & Moring
  • Ben Bidwell, Director, U.S. Corporate Customs, C.H. Robinson
  • Jason Craig, Manager, Government Affairs, C.H. Robinson

For more information, please visit these areas: International Trade



Webinar | 10.10.24 - 11.14.24

US Sanctions Webinar Series

Thursday, October 10, 2024Understanding FinCEN's Final Rule: AML/CFT Compliance for Investment AdvisersOn August 28, 2024, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) issued a final rule that will impose new anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) requirements on SEC-registered investment advisers and exempt reporting advisers. Join us for an insightful webinar on the new regulatory requirements issued by FinCEN. This session will provide a comprehensive overview of the specific requirements for AML/CFT compliance programs, as well as key takeaways and issues to keep top of mind as we move into this new enforcement era....