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Are You Prepared for a Ransomware Attack? Preparing for Threats and Managing the Crisis

Webinar | 07.21.21, 8:00 AM EDT - 9:00 AM EDT

With companies paying out millions of dollars in ransoms and recent statements by government officials making clear that ransomware attacks now take their place alongside supply chain attacks, cyber-theft, and disinformation campaigns as national security threats in the digital age, it’s no surprise that ransomware is all over the news. While there’s no question that these attacks pose a significant risk to global companies, developing a solid plan for preventing and responding to attacks before they happen – and following that plan when they do – isn’t always an easy task. Fortunately, Crowell & Moring is here to help.

Please join members of Crowell & Moring’s Privacy & Cybersecurity, National Security, and Insurance/Reinsurance Practices for a discussion of what every company should know when thinking about ransomware preparedness. We will cover topics such as:

  • Actions that companies should take to prepare for ransomware and other cyber incidents, including the development of incident response plans
  • Litigation and regulatory risks to consider in responding to ransomware attacks 
  • What actions companies should take in the first few hours, days, and weeks following a ransomware attack 

Our panel will be moderated by Kristin Madigan, a partner in our Privacy & Cybersecurity Practice and a former lawyer at the Federal Trade Commission. She will be joined by Jeff Poston and Evan Wolff, the leaders of our Privacy & Cybersecurity Practice; Michael Atkinson, who most recently served as the presidentially appointed and Senate-confirmed Inspector General of the Intelligence Community in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence before joining Crowell & Moring; Caroline Brown, a partner in our National Security Practice who served in the Justice and Treasury Departments; and Laura Foggan, the head of our Insurance/Reinsurance Practice.


For more information, please visit these areas: Privacy and Cybersecurity, National Security, Insurance / Reinsurance


Webinar | 07.25.24

Compliance, and Self-Disclosures, and Whistleblowers, "Oh My!"—The Latest on DOJ's Policy Updates and What We Can Learn From Recent Corporate Resolutions

Join our expert panel from Crowell's White Collar & Regulatory Enforcement, Investigations, and Labor and Employment teams as they provide a comprehensive overview of what these policies mean for companies and practical steps they can take to ensure they are in alignment.