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Analysis of the Evolving US Sanctions on Russia and the Impact on the Loan Market

Webinar | 03.09.22, 11:00 AM EST - 12:00 PM EST

Crowell & Moring’s sanctions team provides guidance on the rapidly-changing U.S. sanctions against Russia, including measures against various Russian banks and Russia’s central bank, National Wealth Fund, and Ministry of Finance, and how these new sanctions can arise in syndicated loans and other lending arrangements, and loan trading.

For more information, please visit these areas: White Collar and Regulatory Enforcement, International Trade, Securities Fraud and Financial Investigations


Webinar | 04.22.25

The Evolving AI Legal and Policy Landscape: Mid-2025 Update

With the launch of Crowell’s Evolving AI Legal and Policy Landscape tracker in 2023, we formed a team of attorneys and policy professionals tasked with monitoring and reporting on the most notable developments around AI. Join us for a roundtable discussion regarding worldwide legal and policy developments since July 2024 and what you need to know in 2025. Our presenters Jillian Ambrose, Sari Depreeuw, Kate Growley, and Linda Malek will explore...