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ABA Panel on the Internet of Things (IoT)

Webinar | 04.28.21, 9:00 AM EDT - 10:00 AM EDT

Crowell & Moring partner, Laura Foggan, will be co-presenting at the American Bar Association's Science & Technology Law Section on the Internet of Things (IoT) on Wednesday, April 28, 2021. 

With a growing reliance on IoT, businesses continue to face significant legal and liability issues in an ever-increasingly digital world. This webinar will discuss how insurers respond to the unique insurance coverage and risk management needs of companies that create, distribute, or work with IoT devices or industrial control systems.  

Laura's presentation entitled, "An Ounce of Prevention: What Lawyers Need to Know about IoT and Insurance," will help participants better understand that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 

For more information, please visit these areas: Insurance / Reinsurance, Privacy and Cybersecurity


Webinar | 02.25.25

First 100 Days: Navigating New Frontiers: Life Sciences in the Trump Era

Please join us for a post-Election webinar with the heads of our Government Affairs group who will address the myriad of areas in the Life Sciences industry that will likely be impacted by the new administration, including FDA, NIH, drug pricing, imports, and exports.