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ABA Internet of Things (IoT) National Institute 2021

Webinar | 06.10.21, 12:00 PM EDT - 1:00 PM EDT

The American Bar Association (ABA) will hold its 6th Annual Internet of Things (IoT) National Institute as a virtual conference June 10 – 11, 2021. IoT is upending old business models and creating opportunities for growth in all sectors: healthcare/public health, financial, technology, transportation, supply chain, logistics, energy/utilities, manufacturing, construction, consumer/retail, defense/national security, government, and more.

Counsel Elizabeth (Ellie) Dawson will be a panelist on the session entitled "Breaking Down IoT: Addressing Complex IoT Issues in the Real World in Real Time" on Thursday, June 10 from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. The session is designed to give attendees an opportunity to break down complex IoT challenges in a practical way. The moderator will kick off the session by providing a real-world scenario with significant IoT implications, followed by panelists and attendees exploring the scenario from technology, liability, safety, and risk management perspectives.

Panelists will offer their top insights on the following topics:

  • Contracting/Negotiations
  • Insurance
  • Cyber Weak Links/Global Supply Chain
  • Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG)

For more information, please visit these areas: Environment and Natural Resources, Environmental, Social, and Governance



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