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2020 MLSA Virtual Conference & AGM

Webinar | 08.21.20, 12:00 AM UTC - 12:00 AM UTC

The 2020 Maritime Law Association of South Africa (MLSA) Conference and Annual General Meeting (AGM) gathers members of the maritime attorneys and professionals. The event connects individuals to discuss emerging topics of the maritime industry.

Partner Michelle Linderman will present "Advising clients, mitigating risk and managing practice during Covid-19 – An international perspective" during the event.

For more information, please visit these areas: International Trade, International Trade — London Practice



Webinar | 07.25.24

Compliance, and Self-Disclosures, and Whistleblowers, "Oh My!"—The Latest on DOJ's Policy Updates and What We Can Learn From Recent Corporate Resolutions

Join our expert panel from Crowell's White Collar & Regulatory Enforcement, Investigations, and Labor and Employment teams as they provide a comprehensive overview of what these policies mean for companies and practical steps they can take to ensure they are in alignment.