New 'Blacklisting" Rules Have Contractors In Uproar
Press Coverage | 06.05.15
Stephen McBrady, a Washington, D.C.-based partner in the firm's Government Contracts Group talks with Compliance Week about new requirements for government contractors to disclose previous violations of labor and employment laws when submitting a bid. Under the proposed rules, contractors would need to obtain data about their sub-contractors. "That brings up a whole host of other issues," said McBrady. For example, it's not unusual for one company to have a sub-contractor that is its competitor on the next contract up for bid. That raises concerns about confidentiality. Among the other concerns, McBrady notes, "Is it reasonable to expect that a small business prime contractor will be able to analyze and collect the labor law compliance information from its large sub-contractor?"
Press Coverage | 03.26.25
Press Coverage | 03.24.25
Press Coverage | 03.24.25
Press Coverage | 03.19.25