Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress Claims
Press Coverage | 03.01.11
Torts Group partners Clifford J. Zatz and Kevin C. Mayer write about the difficulties with defending “tort of outrageous conduct” cases (also known as intentional infliction of emotional distress) in the Defense Research Institute’s (DRI) For The Defense publication.
According to Zatz and Mayer, “defending these cases is treacherous. A finding of liability may keep your client from denying negligence in future personal injury cases, or it could guarantee an award of punitive damages.”
Press Coverage | 02.14.25
Critics of New Tariffs Face Uphill Battle in Courts, Experts Say
Press Coverage | 02.14.25
Press Coverage | 02.12.25
Trump May Dust Off 1930 Trade Discrimination Law To Back Reciprocal US Tariffs