Dealmakers Q&A: Crowell & Moring's Bryan Brewer
Press Coverage | 09.19.14
Washington, D.C.-based partner and co-chair of the firm's Corporate Group, Bryan Brewer, speaks with Law360 as part of their dealmaking movers and shakers Q&A series. Brewer shares his personal perspective on an array of questions such as what advice he would give to other inspiring dealmakers and what aspects of regulation affecting his practice are in need of reform. In response to what upcoming trends or under-the-radar areas of deal activity to anticipate, Brewer believes that, "Based on a competitive intelligence view of the market, we do not see divestitures or complete transformative transactions as ruling the deal landscape in the short term. For example, based on recent deal flow and other trend data, technology, pharmaceutical, medical, and biotech M&As have all demonstrated a strong opening in the first quarter of 2014, and we expect that to continue."
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