Contractors Prepare For Expanding Anti-Counterfeit Crusade
Press Coverage | 06.10.14
When asked whether Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP), which is managed by the Pentagon, is the most appropriate vehicle for the new reporting framework, Government Contracts partner Peter Eyre told Law360, "I think you'll see comments about GIDEP itself and whether GIDEP is equipped for this type of activity," Eyre said. "This could be a significant expansion because contractors would be reporting directly into GIDEP and using GIDEP to screen, prior to purchasing supplies. Incorporating that screen into your procurement process is potentially quite onerous and might necessitate enhancements to the GIDEP system itself."
Press Coverage | 03.26.25
Press Coverage | 03.24.25
Press Coverage | 03.24.25
Press Coverage | 03.19.25