Lawyers of Color Recognizes Crowell & Moring Lawyers on Hot List and Wonderful Women List
Firm News | 1 min read | 07.14.23
Washington – July 14, 2023: Lawyers of Color has recognized four Crowell & Moring lawyers on its Hot List 2023 and two on its inaugural Wonderful Women list.
Crowell partners Emily T. Kuwahara, Preetha Chakrabarti, Trina Fairley Barlow, and associate Garylene (Gage) Javier, were honored on the Wonderful Women list. The list recognizes “dynamic women attorneys working in law firms, companies, and government agencies across the U.S. who show promise in their careers and demonstrate a strong commitment to advancing diversity in the legal profession.”
Javier was also recognized by Lawyers of Color on the Hot List 2023, alongside Crowell associate Simeon Yerokun. The annual Hot list recognizes “junior- and mid-level attorneys working in law firms, companies, and government agencies across the U.S. who show promise in their careers and demonstrate a strong commitment to advancing diversity in the legal profession.”
The honorees will be recognized at receptions in Washington, D.C. and Atlanta, Ga. on July 18thand 19th. To see the full Hot List, visit here, and to see the full Wonderful Women list, visit here.
About Crowell & Moring LLP
Crowell & Moring is an international law firm with operations in the United States, Europe, MENA, and Asia. Drawing on significant government, business, industry and legal experience, the firm helps clients capitalize on opportunities and provides creative solutions to complex litigation and arbitration, regulatory and policy, and corporate and transactional issues. The firm is consistently recognized for its commitment to pro bono service as well as its programs and initiatives to advance diversity, equity and inclusion.
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