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ICDR Young & International - Perspectives on Arbitration in the Middle East

Event | 11.19.09, 12:00 AM UTC - 12:00 AM UTC

This year's program will cover Perspectives on Arbitration in the Middle East, a timely topic in light of the anticipated increase in disputes in the region following the world's economic crisis and the opening of the Bahrain Chamber for Dispute Resolution (BCDR-AAA). The keynote speaker will be John Townsend, Hughes Hubbard & Reed, LLP. The program will take the form of a moderated panel discussion.

The program will be held at the offices of Hughes Hubbard & Reed, LLP at 1775 I Street, N.W., Suite 600.

Samaa Haridi is one of the panelists in the discussion.

For more information, please visit these areas: International Dispute Resolution, International Arbitration, International Arbitration — London Practice, International Dispute Resolution — London Practice


Event | 05.14.25

"The Tide is High: New Guidance on Sea-Level Rise," The Bar Association of San Francisco

Jon Welner will be interviewing Larry Goldzband, the Executive Director of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), on the Commission’s new plan to prepare the SF Bay Area for sea-level rise. BCDC is the agency responsible for permitting all development on the shoreline of San Francisco Bay. On December 5, 2024, the BCDC adopted the Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan (RSAP). The RSAP is a region-wide plan for the San Francisco Bay shoreline that guides the creation of coordinated, locally planned sea level rise adaptation actions that work together to achieve a regional One Bay Vision. This includes BCDC’s guidelines for how local governments must meet the requirements of SB 272, a new State mandate that requires all local governments along the shoreline to prepare a Subregional Shoreline Adaptation Plan by 2034.