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Georgetown Law 12th Annual eDiscovery Institute

Event | 11.19.15 - 11.20.15, 7:30 AM UTC - 3:00 PM UTC


JW Marriott

The 12th Annual Advanced eDiscovery Institute will provide you with the tools to effectively manage the electronic discovery process, from "Advancing the Tools of the Trade" to learning "What Gen Z Knows that You Don't." Our program will host numerous sessions for you to learn about a range of topics from tech to process and professionalism. You will also be give the opportunity to convene with federal judges and the country's leading eDiscovery practitioners. With an immense variety of topics and speakers, our Advanced eDiscovery Institute will teach you the most advanced skills and essentials to conduct your eDiscovery process.

Jeane Thomas is the Moderator of the topic, "Trending Now: #CrossBorder eDiscovery."

For more information, please visit these areas: Litigation and Trial, E-Discovery and Information Management


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As a founder who has built a thriving HealthTech company, you understand the value of strategic foresight. Whether you're exploring acquisition opportunities, considering a merger, planning a recapitalization, or contemplating a sale, your next move demands careful orchestration to maximize business value and optimize personal outcomes.