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Federal Bar Association's 2016 Fashion Law Conference

Event | 02.12.16, 12:00 AM UTC - 12:00 AM UTC


The New School, Parsons School of Design
Starr Foundation Hall, UL102, University Center, New York, NY

The program is organized by the The Federal Bar Association in collaboration with CAREER SERVICES at The New School.

Fashion is a $300 billion industry in the United States—even more on a global scale. Join the Federal Bar Association for a high-energy conference focused on the unique legal issues affecting this economic giant. Legal professionals and industry representatives will explore practice areas including labeling regulation, ethical sourcing of labor, anti-counterfeiting, antitrust issues, e-commerce, and mobile apps.

Advertising & Product Risk Management Group Partner Cheryl Falvey and International Trade Group Counsel Frances Hadfield are conducting a panel entitled: "The Regulatory Framework of Labeling and Disclosure." Antitrust Group Partner Chahira Solh is on a panel entitled: "Mergers/Acquisitions and Antitrust Considerations."

For more information, please visit these areas: Litigation and Trial, Product Risk Management, International Trade


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JURIS Conferences is very excited to present this upcoming program, hosted for the first time in New York City at the new office location of Crowell & Moring. This four-panel program will feature leading arbitration practitioners and scholars who will tackle important questions of international investment law and arbitration.