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Digital Circle*: A Blockchain Bootcamp

Event | 01.18.18, 3:00 AM CST - 6:30 AM CST


Crowell & Moring
Rue Joseph Stevens 7, 1000 Brussels

Blockchain: What is All the Fuzz About, and Why Should I Care?

Blockchain, which is so much more than the technology that supports Bitcoin, seems to have moved from new kid on the block to hottest boardroom buzzword. But how does it actually work? Will it really have as big an impact as the internet itself? And how do the abstract concepts translate into real-life examples?
Learn from some of the most experienced and knowledgeable professionals in this field why they believe this technology will indeed impact and disrupt current business models. Get their views and insights during an interactive roundtable, where your questions and input will be highly valued because, like blockchain itself, this is all about community and shared effort!

Our discussion will be informed by the work Crowell & Moring has done in the blockchain space, including with our client R3, who is working with over 100 financial institutions, regulators, and technology companies to develop a distributed ledger platform for financial services. Issues such as dispute resolution, data privacy and smart contracts will be part of our discussion, but most importantly, we want to hear from you on the issues the industry is facing, and work together to find new solutions.


  • Frederik De Breuck, Fujitsu
  • Jenny Cieplak, Counsel, Crowell & Moring
  • Maarten Stassen, Senior Counsel, Crowell & Moring
*Digital Circle is a series of discussions designed to keep you up to date with new technologies and the challenges they bring.

For more information, please visit these areas: Privacy and Cybersecurity — Brussels Practice


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