Data Privacy Fundamentals in the Age of AI
Event | 08.06.24, 1:00 PM EDT - 2:30 PM EDT
The American Bar Association CLE program is designed to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of how AI impacts data privacy, the legal challenges posed by AI technologies, and the strategies to mitigate these challenges. The curriculum covers key topics such as the Colorado AI Act, the EU AI Act, GDPR, CCPA, biometric regulations, AI ethics, data anonymization obligations, and the role of AI in data breaches.
Featured Panelists include Jon Garon (Nova Southeastern University), Garylene "Gage" Javier (Crowell & Moring LLP), Katy Keohane (SafeGuard Privacy), and Michael Simon (XPAN Law Partners).
For more information, please visit these areas: Artificial Intelligence, Privacy and Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence
Event | 05.14.25
"The Tide is High: New Guidance on Sea-Level Rise," The Bar Association of San Francisco
Jon Welner will be interviewing Larry Goldzband, the Executive Director of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), on the Commission’s new plan to prepare the SF Bay Area for sea-level rise. BCDC is the agency responsible for permitting all development on the shoreline of San Francisco Bay. On December 5, 2024, the BCDC adopted the Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan (RSAP). The RSAP is a region-wide plan for the San Francisco Bay shoreline that guides the creation of coordinated, locally planned sea level rise adaptation actions that work together to achieve a regional One Bay Vision. This includes BCDC’s guidelines for how local governments must meet the requirements of SB 272, a new State mandate that requires all local governments along the shoreline to prepare a Subregional Shoreline Adaptation Plan by 2034.
Event | 05.13.25 - 05.14.25
Government Contractors Reacting and Adapting to the New Administration (OOPS 2025)
Event | 04.08.25 - 04.09.25
Event | 04.03.25