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ABA - 2017 Section of International Law Spring Meeting

Event | 04.25.17 - 04.29.17, 12:00 AM UTC - 12:00 AM UTC


Capitol Hilton
1001 16th St NW Washington, D.C.

The American Bar Association Section of International Law is holding its Spring Meeting in Washington, D.C. April 25-29, 2017. The theme for the Meeting is New Leaders, New Laws: 2017 and Beyond.

The Section is the home within the ABA for the world's leading international practitioners, and the 2017 Spring Meeting is a true "must-attend" meeting for lawyers with a practice or interest in international legal issues.

International Dispute Resolution Group Partner Ian Laird and Insurance/Reinsurance Group Senior Counsel Ellen Farrell will be among the panelists at this meeting.

  • Ian's topic: "Evidence ... or the Lack Thereof: Dealing with Allegations of Corruption in International Arbitration."
  • Ellen's topic: "Disruptive and Emerging Technologies for and Beyond Transportation - Insurance and Liability Issues for the New Era."


For more information, please visit these areas: Litigation and Trial, International Dispute Resolution, International Arbitration


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