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2024 AIPPI World Congress

Event | 10.20.24


Hangzhou International EXPO Center (HIEC)
353 Benjing Ave, Qianjiang Century City, Xiaoshan District,
Hangzhou, China

Crowell & Moring Partner Warrington Parker III, a member of the firm's Litigation and White Collar & Regulatory Enforcement Groups, will be speaking at the 2024 AIPPI World Congress, taking place October 19-20, 2024 in Hangzhou, China. His panel, "The Copyright Dilemma: Trained to Infringe?" will be take place October 20, 2024 at 14:00-15:30GMT + 8.
Copyright holders are demanding the protection of their works against unauthorized training use by generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Lawsuits have been filed in several jurisdictions, causing those jurisdictions to consider underlying issues of use, ownership, and ethics.
Competing rights are involved – that is, how to classify an unauthorized use vs. fair use or similar doctrine. In a recent US lawsuit filed by eight newspaper companies against the owners of ChatGPT and other AI tools, the newspaper companies claimed that the generative AI companies were unlawfully copying millions of their articles in training their generative AI tools. In response, the owners argue that the training of AI tools on publicly available materials is fair use and established precedent.
This panel of varying jurisdictions exhumes past precedent to develop possible harmonized approaches to how the courts are and/or should be treating the potential for copyright infringement of publicly available materials by AI tools.
Dive into hot topics like IP examination and protection in China, the UPC Pulse: one year in, Patent Infringement Trial, Pharma Day with discussions on Drug Discovery and AI, Trade Mark Use in Pharmaceuticals, Patenting Microbiomes, and more.
With a wide range of sessions and workshops to choose from, there is something for everyone at the in-person AIPPI World Congress. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with industry leaders and expand your professional network! Hangzhou, a city with cultural richness and innovation, awaits you.

For more information, please visit these areas: Intellectual Property


Event | 05.19.25 - 05.22.25

Law-Tech Connect and XPONENTIAL 2025

Join Crowell at Law-Tech Connect and AUVSI XPONENTIAL in Houston, where industry experts focus on how changes in technology, policy, safety, and society are shaping the uncrewed systems and robotics industry. Co-located at XPONENTIAL, Law-Tech Connect is designed to connect and inform all those involved in uncrewed and autonomous systems in a one-day session focused on the intersection between technology and legal issues.