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2019 Hotel and Lodging Legal Summit

Event | 10.22.19 - 10.24.19, 8:00 PM EDT - 8:00 PM EDT


Georgetown University Law Center
600 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20001

The 2019 Hotel and Lodging Legal Summit is brings together top hotel and lodging attorneys from worldwide companies to identify the most pressing legal issues and topics facing the hospitality industry. 

We are pleased to announce that Crowell & Moring Partner Bryan Brewer is moderating a panel, Smart Reservations and Guest Relations: Risks of New Software Applications Using Guest Data, exploring the impact of emerging technologies the use of guest data, data ownership and the implications of global privacy regulations. 

Partner Dan Sasse will be participating on a panel, Conspiracy Theories: How Antitrust Affects Your Day-to-Day, to provide insights into best antitrust law practices for hotel owners and operators, significant antitrust litigation in the industry currently, the role of third-party aggregators and how much, or little, information to share with competitors. 

Crowell & Moring is a sponsor of this event.

For more information, please visit these areas: Corporate and Transactional, Litigation and Trial



Event | 10.23.24 - 10.24.24

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