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The Beginning of the End of the End: Transitioning Loans and Derivatives from USD LIBOR in 2021

Client Alert | 1 min read | 03.10.21

On March 5, the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority announced the dates on which USD and other LIBOR settings will cease to be published, officially marking the long-anticipated beginning of the end of a multi-year process to terminate LIBOR and transition markets to new benchmark rates. 

In this client alert, Julia Lu and John A. Clark compare model USD LIBOR fallback approaches that have been promulgated by policymakers and industry leaders in the U.S. syndicated loan market, on the one hand, and the over-the-counter derivatives market, on the other, and discuss two alternative strategies for market participants seeking to minimize basis risk arising from different fallback approaches.

Click here to read the client alert. 


Client Alert | 12 min read | 06.28.24

EU Implements Long-Awaited “14th Round” of Sanctions Against Russia, Further Targeting Circumvention, LNG and the Transportation Sector

In response to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and to exert further pressure on Russia, the EU enacted its 14thsanctions package against Russia on June 24, 2024. The new package comes after months of negotiations between Member States, and follow, but in many ways expand upon, those passed by the United States and the UK last week (see Crowell’s Alert on those developments here). ...