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Lenders Beware: Division in Delaware

Client Alert | 1 min read | 09.26.18

Recent amendments to the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (DLLCA) should prompt lenders to take a closer look at their credit agreements and indentures and consider whether updates to those agreements are necessary. Effective August 1, 2018, a Delaware limited liability company (LLC) may divide itself into two or more LLCs and allocate the assets and liabilities of the dividing LLC among itself and/or the newly formed LLCs. This should be of concern to lenders because an allocation of assets by division may not violate the transfer and merger covenants in their loan agreements.

In this client alert, Gregory G. Plotko and Kevin Rubinstein examine the amendments to DLLCA and the safety measures lenders can implement to address this new type of division.

Click here to read the client alert. 


Client Alert | 12 min read | 06.28.24

EU Implements Long-Awaited “14th Round” of Sanctions Against Russia, Further Targeting Circumvention, LNG and the Transportation Sector

In response to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and to exert further pressure on Russia, the EU enacted its 14thsanctions package against Russia on June 24, 2024. The new package comes after months of negotiations between Member States, and follow, but in many ways expand upon, those passed by the United States and the UK last week (see Crowell’s Alert on those developments here). ...