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IRS Announces Process to Withdraw Employee Retention Credit Claims

Client Alert | 1 min read | 10.24.23

This week, the IRS announced a new withdrawal process to allow certain employers who filed an Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claim, but have not yet received a refund, to withdraw their submission. As discussed in our previous alert, the IRS recently announced a pause in processing new ERC claims, at least through the end of 2023, due to concerns that many recently filed claims are invalid.

Taxpayers considering withdrawing their ERC claims should know the following about the IRS’s new process:

  • Taxpayers who take advantage of this process and withdraw their submission can avoid future repayment, interest, and penalties.
  • Taxpayers may withdraw their ERC claims by utilizing a special fax line established by the IRS.
  • Taxpayers notified of an audit may still participate in this program by sending a withdrawal request to their assigned examiner or responding to the audit notice if no examiner has been assigned.
  • Taxpayers who willfully filed a fraudulent claim, or those who assisted or conspired in such conduct, are not exempted from potential criminal investigation and prosecution.

We are closely watching these developments and are available to discuss ERC claims or the withdrawal program in more detail.


Client Alert | 3 min read | 09.13.24

SEC Disbands its Climate and ESG Enforcement Task Force

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has reportedly recently dissolved its Climate and ESG Enforcement Task Force (the Task Force). The Task Force was part of SEC Chair Gary Gensler’s broader push to increase investors’ access to environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) information about public companies and registered investment companies. The dissolution of the Climate and ESG Enforcement Task Force comes after three years marked by industry resistance and a mixed record in the courts. Prior to the Task Force’s dissolution, the agency removed ESG from its annual Examination Priorities Report, which provides areas of particular focus during SEC examinations. While the Task Force has been dissolved, the SEC is still pursuing a number of its proposed ESG and climate-related rules....