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GAO Rejects Rubber-Stamp LPTA Technical Evaluation

Client Alert | less than 1 min read | 12.14.15

In a low-price-technically-acceptable procurement for IDIQ contracts for flame-resistant Army combat shirts, GAO sustained a challenge to the technical evaluation because the agency did not critically evaluate whether any of the three awardees' proposals actually met a particular solicitation requirement. GAO rejected the agency's nondescript finding that each awardee's proposal was "acceptable," and instead concluded that none of the awardees had provided a meaningful narrative addressing the requirement and that one, in fact, had included test data in its proposal showing that it did not meet the requirement.


Client Alert | 4 min read | 07.17.24

Utah Bans DEI at Universities and in Public-Sector Employment, The Latest in a String of Similar Statewide Bans

As of July 1, Utah’s “Equal Opportunity Initiatives” law is in effect.  This law prohibits “discriminatory practices” at higher education institutions, public education systems, and government employers within Utah.  In response to the law, colleges and universities like the University of Utah, Southern Utah University, Utah State University, and Weber State University have reportedly already closed DEI offices and cultural centers....