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GAO Proposed Rule Heralds New Electronic Filing System for Bid Protests

Client Alert | 1 min read | 04.18.16

On April 15, 2016, GAO published a proposed rule, with comments due May 16, to implement a web-based electronic docketing system that, when the rule is finalized, will be the only conduit for filing a protest letter and other filings, with the exception of classified ones. In addition, among other changes, the proposed rule indicates that GAO will impose a filing fee, anticipated to be $350, for at least six years to offset the cost of the development and maintenance of the system and will require the parties to prepare a redacted public version of all documents filed in connection with a protest.


Client Alert | 8 min read | 02.14.25

Executive Orders Relevant to Institutions of Higher Education

President Trump has issued several executive orders relevant to institutions of higher education. Below we detail key provisions of these executive orders to help colleges and universities stay abreast of the everchanging policy landscape, and to provide takeaways to consider while awaiting further federal guidance. ...