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DoD Proposes Significant Amendments to the DFARS Data Rights Scheme

Client Alert | 1 min read | 06.27.16

On June 16, 2016, DoD issued a proposed rule to amend the DFARS to implement section 815 of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2012, which made significant changes to the data rights scheme for DoD contracts. Among other things, the proposed rule permits the release of “segregation and reintegration” technical data and computer software outside of the government (subject to restrictions), even when the item, component, or process to which that data pertains or the computer software was developed exclusively at private expense; expands DoD’s ability to order technical data and computer software post-award; doubles the time period in which DoD may challenge asserted data rights restrictions; and expressly imposes no time limit on DoD’s right to challenge fraudulently asserted restrictions.


Client Alert | 4 min read | 07.17.24

Utah Bans DEI at Universities and in Public-Sector Employment, The Latest in a String of Similar Statewide Bans

As of July 1, Utah’s “Equal Opportunity Initiatives” law is in effect.  This law prohibits “discriminatory practices” at higher education institutions, public education systems, and government employers within Utah.  In response to the law, colleges and universities like the University of Utah, Southern Utah University, Utah State University, and Weber State University have reportedly already closed DEI offices and cultural centers....