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COVID-19 Benchmarking Survey Results

Client Alert | less than 1 min read | 03.18.20

As part of our continuing commitment to help our clients address the effects of COVID-19, we are providing the initial, anonymized, and aggregated results from our benchmarking questionnaire.  We continue to gather information and update the responses, but given the rapidly changing environment, we wanted you to have this information sooner than later. 

Our teams are working around the clock to address these and other impacts.  Please reach out if you need assistance, and above all else, our best wishes for your continued good health.


Client Alert | 12 min read | 06.28.24

EU Implements Long-Awaited “14th Round” of Sanctions Against Russia, Further Targeting Circumvention, LNG and the Transportation Sector

In response to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and to exert further pressure on Russia, the EU enacted its 14thsanctions package against Russia on June 24, 2024. The new package comes after months of negotiations between Member States, and follow, but in many ways expand upon, those passed by the United States and the UK last week (see Crowell’s Alert on those developments here). ...