Claim Accrual and the Continuing Claims Doctrine: Board Has Jurisdiction Over Claim Comprised of Separate and Distinct Events that Fell within the CDA’s Six-Year Statute of Limitations Period
Client Alert | 1 min read | 05.03.22
In Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, ASBCA No. 62209 (a C&M case), the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (Board) held that the contractor’s claim, seeking recovery for impacts of over-and-above repair work during contract performance, was timely filed under the Contract Disputes Act’s six-year statute of limitations—rejecting an Air Force Motion for Summary Judgment and granting cross-motions filed on behalf of Lockheed Martin. Recognizing that a contractor’s claim cannot accrue before the events that fix the liability of the government, the Board held Lockheed Martin’s claim did not have a single accrual date but, rather, multiple accrual dates based upon when the government approved each repair. The Board separately held that those government approvals represented “the type of single-topic . . . yet repeated and distinct events” making Lockheed Martin’s claims timely under the well-recognized “continuing claim doctrine.”
Client Alert | 8 min read | 01.17.25
Cyber For All: Proposed Rule Introduces Government-Wide CUI Cybersecurity Requirements
On January 15, 2025, the FAR Council released a proposed rule (FAR CUI Rule) that would amend the FAR to implement federal government-wide Controlled
Unclassified Information (CUI) cybersecurity, training, and incident reporting requirements for government contractors and subcontractors. The rule’s key
cybersecurity requirements closely mirror the Department of Defense’s Cyber Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) program (for example, compliance with
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-171, Revision 2), but broaden the scope to include contractors and subcontractors
working across all federal agencies. The Rule is intended to standardize the handling of CUI by federal government contractors and subcontractors in accor...
Client Alert | 2 min read | 01.17.25
End of the Road: FHWA Rescinds Longstanding Buy America Waiver for Manufactured Products
Client Alert | 3 min read | 01.17.25